Apr 5, 2015

Life - Stuck up or Straying ?

Most of us sometime faces a situation where we feel bored and a drastic reduction in enthusiasm in life. If this situation persists for longer than one should think seriously and see whether he or she is stuck up or straying. There are real life questions out of which some have plain answers while others have no answers and most probably these unanswered questions put us in such situations.

Life is full of ups and downs but those who have clarity and ability to weed out indecisiveness, can visualize their state of mind and handle all uncertainties of life.

Symptoms of feeling stuck up or straying:

1. Roaming aimlessly: One can see such people going out frequently with no aims in mind. Frequent absence from job without being sick is another sign.

2. Irritating behavior: Such people's behavior changes and they are irritating more with family members and even with close friends.

3. Procrastinating work: Even if they have enough work, but don't finish it in time. Lingering work schedule is the most common symptom and this reduces their effectiveness too.

4. Frequent visits to social media: They are addicted to social media. One can find them spending hours of their valuable time on updating social media status and chatting with unrelated people.

5. Consuming more alcohol and drugs: Many of them start drinking more and even consume drugs probably to forget and avoid such feeling of stuck up and straying.

6. Searching happiness in strangers: This is something unique but true that such people strive to find happiness in strangers instead of their most trusted friends or relatives.

7. Irregular intake of food: Their food habits and intake get irregular and health too starts deteriorating.

8. Lack of interest in job: Even if their job is well secured they feel a lack of interest in the job. They keep forwarding their resume for better jobs.

9. Sudden aggression or depression: Pattern of their reacting changes and they become vulnerable to behave with sudden aggression or depression.

10. Seeking approval even when not required: Sometime they disbelieve themselves so much that for every action they seek approvals from friends or other persons.

11. Blaming self and others for no reason: This too is a very common symptom. There is no reason but they blame self or others and gradually develops such a habit too.

So what to do to overcome such situations? Any friend or relative of that person who notices such symptoms than either he or she must take such efforts to bring him out of such situation. Though there is no rule of thumb, but one can explore some ideas here.

1. Be practical: Anything practical works in this world. One should be practical and see everything, be it work, goal, objective, or else, all must be practical to achieve. Many times things do not work just because they are not practical and people get stuck up.

2. Avoid company of negative people: When somebody is already in the grip of indecisiveness and if he accompanies negative people then things would worsen so better to avoid such people.

3. Consult true mentor: If you have trusted mentor, you are lucky. Consult and tell such mentor that you feel such symptoms.

4. Indulge in creative activities: When all doors are closed inner door is a most preferred avenue to go with. Any creative activity like gardening, painting, writing and reading poems may help us lot.

5. Refresh goals: If goals are not within reach, make fresh list and ensure that you truly wish to pursue them.

6. Judge direction: If feeling stuck up than ensure that efforts too are in the right direction. Review the direction again and start your journey afresh.

7. Begin with small steps: To move one should start with small steps. Expecting windfall benefits at the beginning would be irrational.

8. Assess your limits: Always know the resources you have at your end. This helps you to decide your limits. If the limit is well defined one will not feel stuck up.

9. Read a good book or view a movie on inspiration: Thought provoking books and movies for inspiration helps a lot. One can always read such books or views such movies.

10. Change your place for some time: Moving some time with close friends or relatives to a place of serene beauty filled with nature may bring a new life to our routine.

11. Always keep hopes alive: Last but not least, keep your hopes alive. Nothing remains permanent be it good or bad. Fire only purifies gold so be positive, there is some creation taking shape and which might be most suited for you.

We should also understand that to get stuck up and to feel straying are two different situation and one can face both at a time too. Mute point is that one should be aware of his status to overcome this. Collective efforts as suggested above will certainly move one to clarity and control the situation. If the problem is related to a person than one should also think of the whole problem in that person's perspective too. It makes a lot of difference. Our own rules and presumptions may be far different than it ought to be. What sounds good for us may be worse for others. So be positive and make your life more balanced, live and vibrant.

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