Dec 24, 2013

सत्य के समीप

सत्य के समीप

कही मौन भाषा हे कही पे वक्तत्व .
ख़ुशी खोजने का उप्क्रुम सभी करते निरंतर
ता जिन्दगी उल्जन हे सत्य और असत्य का अंतर .
यही उल्जन आदत सी बन गयी कमोबेश सबकी ,
बचपन बिता तबसे ये परेशानी हे सबकी .
भटकती भीड़ के जुंड में अपना अस्तित्व क्या हे
और गर कोई जान भी गया तो भीड़ का हेतु क्या हे ?
कुछ तो मिलेगा ? ये कब तक चलेगा ?
क्या जींदगी यही हे या कुछ सार भी निकलेगा ?
रोज नए बहाने बनाकर हम सहज महसूस करते हे ,
जानकर अनजान हे , नाजुक हरदय को क्यों मायूस करते हे .
खुद से साक्षात्कार करे बिना हम अधूरे हे हरदम
खुशिया दो खुशिया मिलेगी यही हो अब अगला कदम .

Nov 10, 2013

Greed and Fear both haunt us constantly..

Seriously we are continuously governed by our own greed and fear. Every aspect of our life be it social, economic, spiritual, relationship, job carrier or whatever we can think of  are affected and decided by our own level of greed and fear. Some time we create comfort by calling it destiny or otherwise.If we really analyze about how much energy we are spending with these two things, greed and fear, we would be surprised that almost whole life we spending our time remaining with these two close companions and funny thing is that we are totally loyal to these two elements without knowing how these are playing with or affecting us to what level and thus creating havoc in our life.

World over great achievers knew their limits and they created good balance and converted these two elements to their source of power in performing well in the area they conquered.
Thinking Beyond But In Presence Of Greed and Fear

Common behavior is always affected by greed and fear while uncommon people or great person think beyond but in presence of greed and fear. They already know the effects, results, outcomes be it favorable or unfavorable. "Thinking in presence" and "Thinking  after having effect of greed and fear" both are totally different and it requires serious observation.

Many economies run by central bank's actions which affects interest rates, inflation, liquidity etc. I would say these are other names of greed and fear calculated in monetary terms which we can see in the behavior of stock markets too.

In political fields, leaders try to manage countries by use of these two elements to their advantages. They create and sell dreams. They create fear and show imaginary solutions too. Those who are smart enough , they win the confidence of the voters and enjoy the fruits of thinking in presence of greed and fear.

Social or religious leaders too found using these tools to make their agenda moving ahead. They try to impress their followers with certain belief and thus make them fearful and simultaneously they present themselves as if they are only who are having all the solutions in their hand , sometime they go to the extent claiming superpowers within them ........ all funny .. because of the reason , already indicated earlier ......  "Common people are not thinking independently "  .

What should we learn is that " Life itself is a golden opportunity blessed to us " , why we can not think beyond greed and fear ? If can not, at least we "think in presence of greed and fear".

Sep 15, 2013

प्यार की यादे ( Remembering Love )

सुदूर वादियों में एक पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे
 यहाँ कोई नहीं आगे ओर पिछे
 फैला हुआ आकाश और हरे भरे बघिचे
 पलके बिछाये इंतजार हे आपका ।
 सन्देश भेजा बादलो के संग तो
 कभी हवाओ के संग
 लहराता योवन मचलता अंग अंग
 बज रहा कही मृदंग
 कोई नहीं मुज पर अधिकार हे आपका।
 सामने की पगडंडी पे टकटकी लगाये
 कब तेरे कदमो की आहट आए
 आपको नहीं मालूम हम क्या लेकर आये
 सबसे धनी बना दिया मुझे
 बेइंतहा प्यार जो हे आपका।
 बहते जरने का कलरव
 एक दिन ठिठुरती सर्दी मे
 कांपते देख मुझे आपने
 बरबस ही अपने आगोश में ले लिया था
 वो हसीं पल जब दिल दिया था
 याद हे वो नम आँखों से इकरार आपका।

Aug 28, 2013

Perception and Thought Process

Generally our thoughts are governed by our perception. We complain why we are not achieving upto our expectation. There may be many factors responsible for achieving less and among theses I feel Perception too plays vital role affecting our thinking process and obviously execution level finally.

I would like to mention an example here, One of my Client who was always busy in finding good business opportunities and i would say to a great extent he was successful also in his business adventures most of the time . One fine day he came to my chamber and while in informal talk with me he asked few questions

Why I dont feel good about life ?
Why there is a feeling of being lonely ?
Why all my achievements are not enough to make me happy ?

First I congratulated him for asking such questions then he was surprised what for I was greeting him. I replied .. Dear .. you are my client since last 25 years and I never had such nice questions from your side . You always came to my office for some work and despite our 25 years relationship never asked about your health or my health or else...  I congratulate to you for starting of real thought process. He was still confused .. Sir I want to transform but how I really dont know ?  I knew he was very much selfish and never been supporting others...

I replied can you ask me what  the age of human being in our country ... he told 65 .. ok I said and asked what is your age he said 56 ... I asked him to reduce his age from the average age and he answered .. Its 9 years only.  While replying my last question I could see his face and expression full of introspection. He cried, astonished and told me Sir I never thought this way.. Life is now remaining only for 9 years more .. I got less time to lots of thing for others too.. He is completely a changed man today.. Just by changing Percetion.

Aug 16, 2013


Its funny .. we wait for our best time to come and postpone important decision for future .. Just be with the present and at least take calculated risk to move ahead..

Jul 21, 2013

Why Prayers are essential ?

Knowing our very inner self requires a journey which can be called in a simple word  " Prayer ".

Prayer connects us to our very being. It brings Peace, Harmony. It heals all our wounds., It makes realise about our very existence. One should always make it an essential part of daily life.

Modern era is run by information technology and computers. While a computer which is connected to Internet is protected with a software called antivirus, an individual should follow prayers in his routine daily life to protect from negative and bad sectors. Prayer not only works like an antivirus it inspires positive thinking.

Methods and formats of the prayers may be different in various religious faiths , elixir of all these faiths are to connect with our very inner self and self realisation . Prayer is the basic journey one should follow to move in right direction....

प्रयास (Efforts)

जब सब कुछ रुका हुआ हो तुम पहल करना निसंकोच, प्रयास करके खुद को सफल करना। ये मोड़ जिंदगी में तुम्हें स्थापित करेंगे और, संभव है कि तुम देव तु...