Showing posts with label success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label success. Show all posts

Nov 15, 2014

Pursue your goals

Every time when you feel things will move, time will change, just see whether you are pursuing your goals on a sustained basis or waiting for the destiny to change repeatedly. If our expectations are high then efforts too must be more timely and focused.

Never conclude your victory or defeat without putting enough efforts. Time plays it's role but our own initiative makes a difference.

Goals may be anything, study, reaching a particular position, winning heart, become an influential leader, targeting an award, mastering a skill or profession and so on. Higher the goal, higher would be the need for efforts. Sitting pretty in your drawing room and thinking of changing everything with miracles must be avoided. Instead wholehearted persuasions of the goal will lead us to build our own incredible empire we dream upon. One can say, coming out of comfort zone would be the first step to pursue his or her goals. At the beginning, the journey may be very boring but after crossing some milestones it would become interesting more and more.

There are four reasons for not achieving goals

1. Lack of burning desire : there are people who get influenced by changing circumstances for instance, Just after reading newspaper headlines or meeting someone they set their goals and don't know what they wish to achieve. One should live the dream.

2. Setting wrong or unpractical goals : Be practical while setting a goal. Decide short term and long term goals and focus on what can be accomplished early. Unpractical goals will lead us to frustration only.

3. Efforts in wrong direction : even after putting all out effort goals are not within reach then certainly our efforts are in the wrong direction. Rethink your strategy and make suitable changes in your action plan.

4. Lack of resources : most of the time we find people complaining about the resources. We must first assess all three points above then think about all those who achieved their goals and ask ourselves whether we are the only one who are deprived of resources. Proper planning and action in the right direction on a sustained basis will surely lead us to great success.

Let's move and strive for the best.

Aug 22, 2014

Status or Stress ?

Journey of life comprises of so many achievements, wealth, respect, recognition, image, brand, skill, and so on. Collectively all this makes a person different and it creates status . As a human being we try to keep it up and up. We should ask ourselves at what level we are comfortable with this status or I would say it so called status in other way. The reality of life is that if we under unknown pressure try to keep on maintaining this status, it creates stress, so ideally it should be spontaneous and not an obligation on constant basis just to show off and impress others by engaging our positive energy.
Other side effects of  "So called Status" which I personally observed are:

1) Jump in level of attitude instead of gratitude
2) Lesser communication with friends and close relatives
3) Feeling loneliness even after crossing many milestones in life
4) absence of humour and increase of monotony
5) Constant irritation with self or others
6) Living artificial life
7) Chasing unwanted objects for more status
8) Developing health hazards

The list above is just illustrative, you can add more and more points at your end. Point to be noted is that achieving something in life is not wrong in itself  what we miss is we put ourselves in chasing something which is not that much required primarily though it may be necessary . We must draw a line in between the both to make life more easy, balanced,simple, and enjoyable.

Jul 20, 2014

Crowd puller or crowd follower

Why we live our life unsatisfied most of the time. If observed carefully, you will notice that we are either crowd follower or crowd puller. In both situation we remain part of crowd and try to justify ourselves that this is right and this is wrong. Crowd in its own has no brain still it behaves but unpredictably. What if a person too starts behaving in manner like crowd ? Peace would go away and fun of life too. He would always think what others would think if I do this or not do. Is this right way of doing or not according to crowd around him ?

How to remain part of crowd but behave independently and prudentially is what one should seek.Generally leaders are crowd pullers and public is followers but balancing life demands enough maturity to achieve independence constantly.

Let's go further .. Since our childhood we are moulded to think always in default mode like what is hot and cold, love and hate, up and down, good and bad, elder or younger, big or small, black or white, yes or no and it goes on.. This is what I would say crowd mentality . there are number of opposite combinations but you can't predict what odd combination would be picked up by the crowd. So we have to be independent to think and act accordingly then only we can say our journey towards balancing life is going on.

May 28, 2014

मंजिल (Destination)

असीम संभावनाओं को तलाशती
निगाहे निहारती खोजती
दिन रात मंजिल को.…।
बेसबब सी इस तलाश में
होती रही पीड़ा चाहे
कितनी ही दिल को …।
आखिर लगे हमें भी
कुछ तो ठानी है कि
सफर ये कटे अकेला
या कोई साथ रहे
बस हमें तो चलना हे
यूँ भी रुकने का अंजाम
यहाँ कुछ अच्छा नहीं होता
तो जरा साथ चल कर तो देखो
शायद मंजिल मुस्कराती
सामने आ मिले
और मिटे सारे गिले
अब ज्यादा सोचो मत
बस कूच करो
इन रास्तों पे आगे बढ़ने में
वक्त जाया न करो …।

Mar 30, 2014

Personality Development Audio in Hindi

पिछले २५ वर्षो के अपने व्यवसायिक अनुभव के दौरान मैंने यह पाया कि व्यक्तित्व  विकास में चार मुख्य बाधक तत्व हे जिन्हे मैंने अपने शब्दो में माध्यम से आप तक पहुँचाने का प्रयास किया है।  यदि आपको यह ऑडियो पसंद आये तो अपने विचार मुझे जरुर प्रेषित करे।
सप्रेम  धन्यवाद।
अशोक कुमार मादरेचा
To download mp3 (audio file) right click the link below and select "Save link as"

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Mar 8, 2014

How to Overcome confusion

This article is written with focus on creating work life balance , making decision making process smooth and thereby improving life overall.

How to Overcome confusion

Striking balance in life essentially requires anyone to stay in focus, come out of doubt and to be more specific, overcoming all confusion which hinders progress. I would like to divide this whole chapter of confusion in four parts:
1) What is confusion - Understand it well
2) What level it is affecting / governing our life
3) Tips to overcome confusion
4) Benefits of overcoming confusion

1) What is confusion - Understand it well : in simple words we can say any indecisiveness is confusion. Yes,true, but I would put it this way , first you can call a situation which is dilemma and other is real confusion. While in dilemma one is not sure of choosing one out of two options available, confusion is far wider subject and one can have different options to overcome it depending upon one's resources, ability and efforts etc. for that.Confusion is a state of mind due to some internal or external reasons and it haunts mind and consumes lot of energy too , of course.

2) What level it is affecting / governing our life: Now let us understand the level of confusion which is governing our life.
There are some interesting people and even corporates.they face confusion and start working on that very systemically, chase this and find solution and sometime business opportunity too. This I would say Level 1 of confusion.
There are some different sort of people who are confusedbut just for time being. they are alert and seek help of others and overcome confusion. this is level 2 of confusion.
There are people who have developed tendency to remain confused unknowingly and their whole behavior, style of living too is constantly affected. They are so much engrossed by such situation that they always live in unknown fear, uncertainty and many of them have gone to level of depression too. this I would say Level 3 of confusion.

3) Tips to Overcome Confusion : 
a) Analise how relevant is this to you.If the confusion itself is not relevant to you why you are confused?
b) Try yourself to find answer first
c) If not possible, seek help of your network which may be from your mentors,parents,friends, relatives.
d) Make use of other sources like internet, search engines, books and other reference materials
    available   to you.
e) Note all your options and ask yourself what can be best and what will be the worst if you take some
    decision to overcome confusion.
f) Count your blessings, take honest efforts and leave the result up to destiny.
g) After applying all the above if you are fearless then mind well, this confidence itself will take you out
    from the confusion.

4) Benefits of Overcoming Confusion : 
Once we overcome confusion positive vibes starts flowing and the benefits too. some of the major benefits are as under:
a) Life begin full of confidence and I repeat , it essentially heals all wounds which were hindering the path of progress.
b) One gets focused and a person of conviction with some aims to achieve.
c) Goals are well defined and they start taking shape in real terms.
d) People start respecting you as you are not called so confused one.
e) Wealth is attracted may be through carrier, job,business or practice you pursue.
f) There are many benefits but in short and at Last I would say it makes you totally different, a most sought person in your circle.

All the best. 

Feb 2, 2014

How To Be Successful

Intensify your efforts
Be focused
Avoid Unrelated Work
Arrange your Priorities
Put Your Energy in Right Direction
Build Network
Use Resources more efficiently
Develop Leadership Qualities
Spare Time to Introspect
Never Give up
Keep Your Morale High
Value your Instincts
Take Initiative
Innovate to Accomplish your tasks fast
Be Sound and have Niche
Win Hearts
Update Your Knowledge
Hone your Skills
And Most Important, BE POSITIVE..

प्रयास (Efforts)

जब सब कुछ रुका हुआ हो तुम पहल करना निसंकोच, प्रयास करके खुद को सफल करना। ये मोड़ जिंदगी में तुम्हें स्थापित करेंगे और, संभव है कि तुम देव तु...