Any wise person would definitely feel at some point of time and he would be compelled to think what is the purpose of life. If this becomes clear, life finds its meaning. Finding a purpose is all matter of individual choice and there can not be a rule of thumb. Let us analyze and try following three steps to get as near as possible to reach a process of finding a purpose in life so the true happiness is attained.
Step 1 : Ascertain symptoms of purposeless life:
We find people saying :
I feel just bored living a routine life.
I wish more freedom.
I feel my friends and relatives avoid me.
If something happened like this I would have done extremely well.
I don't like anybody in this world.
This world is hopeless.
I am just alive.
Even if I extend favor people forget it.
Where is happiness.
Life is all challenge.
I want a complete change.
There should be a nice person with me to whom I can share everything
and so on...
If you feel anything like the above, then this is true that you are not living a meaningful life. You are living a life either full of unrealistic expectations or you are completely directionless.
Let us go further to the second step,
Step 2 : Ensure purpose of life to make it meaningful
It is mentioned earlier that this is an individual choice but we can start thinking this way and find it as soon as possible:
Accept first, everything is not ours and we are not compelled to react to everything what happens around us even if it is affecting us. The moment you assume something is yours, be it a person or object, worries of protecting it will be transferred to you so it is up to you what exactly you should own it or not. What to seek and pursue is always our choice but that doesn't mean we follow everything which comes in our way. Ascertain well in which field we can excel and at what point of our age we are. Take proper stock of resources available and correlate everything to have proper direction. One should also think what makes her or him happy. At some point of time one can be happy with something and may not at other point of time. If something has gone forever it must be accepted. If something is available to others, that should not be your problem, In such thought process try to figure out what can be achieved by you at what cost and whether it is worth for you in terms of happiness or else.
Step 3 : List your Goals and segregate them and act upon
Once you conclude very purpose or purposes of your life, set goals which may be of short-term and long-term. Of course every milestone may not give you happiness, but the result would make you happy if your direction is well thought and by this process you will be able to visualize how to set balance in life and figure out the true meaning in it.
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