Indian author Ashok Madrecha's blog on Hindi kavita poems, inspiration, positive quotes on happy life, money management, truth, thought, live better life, stay motivated, spiritual thoughts quotes on life.
Jul 17, 2022
आत्ममंथन (Introspection)
Dec 26, 2021
Apr 28, 2021
ये दौर भी जीतेंगे (Will Win This Time Too)
फिर सामने है, निर्दयता से,
क्या बड़े,
क्या छोटे
बचा नही कोई देश
हर तरफ है हाहाकार ।
चुनौती भरे वक्त में
लगा है इंसान बेबस होकर
जीवन बचाने को
सब कुछ करने को तैयार।
अब दूरियां जरूरी हो गई
और नजदीकियां नाजायज
हर सांस पर पहरे लगे,और
ठहर सा गया, हर व्यापार।
अठखेलियों के दिनों में
बचपन, मुखोटों के अधीन
चुभते है,
उनकी आंखों के प्रश्न
छिन गए,
मासूम बच्चों के अधिकार।
ये दौर भी जीतेंगे,
बेहतरी से,
प्रयत्न जारी है, बड़ी तैयारी है
उम्मीद रखे,
है निशाने पे विषाणु
पार्थ का धनुष करता है टंकार।
Mar 21, 2021
बदलता विश्व, बदलते समीकरण (Changing World, Changing Equations)
Nov 1, 2020
Orientation Matters in Life
People Crave Results, But Want Them for Free
People desire results, success, comfort, pleasant situations, power, fame, good health, fashion, glamour, and much more. Yet, surprisingly, many expect to attain all these without any sacrifice, wanting it all for free.
The word "free" is incredibly enticing and likely one of the most searched terms on the internet. In my 30 years of experience, I've observed this firsthand across nearly all age groups. It's disheartening to see that when you advise someone to put in effort or endure some hardship, they often take offense.
What does this signify? It shows that some people only want to receive, collect, and possess without giving anything in return. They don’t want to be inconvenienced, and this attitude reflects their overall character. In this technological age, more and more people are adopting the belief that "things will sort themselves out" and that the outcome will automatically align with their desires.
Doing Nothing and Expecting Everything is a Form of Theft
Let me be blunt: thieves aren’t just those who steal physical objects. Expecting everything without putting in any effort is also a form of theft. In fact, it’s a continuous burden if it becomes a habit.
How to Overcome This Mindset
So, how can one overcome this mentality? There are two types of people:
- Those who want change but lack motivation or support.
- Those who, by nature, avoid effort and act like thieves of opportunity.
For the latter, no amount of external motivation will work. They will go through life’s lessons repeatedly until they finally understand. Unfortunately, by the time they do, it may be too late to make a significant change. I know this sounds harsh, but it would be unjust not to reveal the truth.
For those genuinely seeking change, I have more to share.
Evaluate Your Active Life and Be Realistic
Assess the time you have left in your active life and be realistic. Recognize the people who have supported you without expecting anything in return, even if you’ve never noticed them before. I know many will say, "I don’t have time." But think about it: if everyone took that stance, no one would have time for others, and our already self-centered world would become even more selfish.
It’s your decision, your priorities, and your mindset that will ultimately shape your destiny.
Don’t Lose Hope
Don’t lose hope. Initially, adopting a "work-deserve-results" mindset may feel strange because you’re not used to it. However, over time, it will become your new normal. Trust me, you’ll feel proud of yourself, and you’ll enjoy a better life with a more positive outlook.
CA Ashok Madrecha
Sep 15, 2020
मन और चेतन का विश्लेषण (Mind and Spirit analysis)
हमे मन और चेतन का अनुभव शरीर के द्वारा होता है। यदि आप थोड़ा सूक्ष्म विश्लेषण करे तो देखेंगे कि हम हर वक्त विचारों, क्रियाओं या प्रतिक्रियाओं के इर्द गिर्द ही घूमते रहते है। और ये सब किसी विश्वास, भय, अपेक्षा, अहंकार या इच्छा विशेष के कारण होता है।
Apr 30, 2020
Hindi Comedy Poem इतिहास परीक्षा - हास्य कविता
प्रयास (Efforts)
जब सब कुछ रुका हुआ हो तुम पहल करना निसंकोच, प्रयास करके खुद को सफल करना। ये मोड़ जिंदगी में तुम्हें स्थापित करेंगे और, संभव है कि तुम देव तु...

हास्य कविता - See the Video
जिंदगी का अर्थ खोजने मै राहों का पथिक बनकर चल पड़ा उलझन है अब तक क्यों रहा खड़ा। उजागर हो रहे नित्य नए अनुभव कहीं नदियाँ, कहीं झरनो...
Human being is always in mode of expecting something and this compels one to know everything about gratitude and its importance in ach...