Knowing self is very important. True potential is seldom known.
Typical apprehensions are common i.e. I can't do this, if I do I will fail, I
am not the right person to pursue this and the list goes on. These
apprehensions haunts us very badly. People around us make feel
like this only as they carry such thoughts. Each person in
this world is unique. There are huge possibilities if we really explore
it by developing an unbiased thought process. Most of the time we don't
know the level of skills, and abilities we own and remain deprived
of the unbelievable benefits throughout our life. There are many
examples. If we search history we find that how ordinary persons can
convert themselves into outstanding achievers.
Actually we create
our own boundaries and gradually get habitual of a set comfort zone
which we don't wish to cross as if there is an ocean just besides it. We
draw lines across our own path and most of the time these lines are
results of fear and illusions which are totally nonexistent. Time
provides nice opportunities but we feel like we don't deserve it and
everything passes in front of our eyes.
There are two type of
personalities. First those who are self inspired and second, those who
always need inspiration from outside. Those who fall in second type, should
invariably strive to stay in company with people of positive mindset
and read good books. One has to come out from negative thoughts and
focus on " I can" and this will manifest their true potential. Many
people I met during my motivational sessions and observed repeatedly
that when they share their stories the most prominent fact comes on
surface is that they didn't know themselves. They wait for some magical
trigger which will change their life and all these thoughts makes them
more vulnerable to inactions for a prolonged time.
Know well about
your real limitations and simultaneously see to it that a little push
in your efforts can make visible changes within you. I repeat, there is a
huge potential, open doors and see "yes you can". It is true that
entire world is not our own asset but there is something special in this world
to own for everyone and that special space we have to find and know the
true potential of ourselves.
Let's find it and make our life more balanced and meaningful.
CA Ashok Madrecha
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