Evaluate yourself.. how many people you supported, how many appreciate you and to what extent it makes you happy. All these will make you understand better about your life and suddenly a change of 360 degree angle may become reality.
बताइये ... यदि हम हमारे सारे कार्यों , विचारों एवं संपर्कों , सभी में "मेरा क्या" और "मेरा कितना" इसी पर अपना ध्यान केंद्रित करते रहेंगे तो जीवन में सच्ची खुशियां कैसे प्राप्त करेंगे। परमार्थ में जिसने स्वार्थ खोज लिया उन्हें मेरा मेरा करने की जरुरत ही नहीं रहती।
Thinking from others perspective can make lot of difference in any relationship. Forgiveness is noble, it's never a defeat. Following noble thoughts will certainly bring happiness, just trust.
Having clarity about your priorities is a big achievement. Generally we are confused in choosing right priorities at different stages of life. Money, freedom and inner happiness are three basic choices available. Decide what exactly you wish to achieve and be happy in rest of your life.
Wishing someone on birthday or anniversary may seem to be routine but don't leave this, it is nice way to remain connected. Positive vibes are always for sharing and it prevents you from feeling lonely too.
Jealousy has strange feature, it is always born between related or known people. The moment you achieve something better than others, you don't have to create opponents, they sprout spontaneously. Only precaution you can take is, limit your display.
Right postures, proper breathing and a heart full of nice feeling leads your life out of chaos and all these makes you more healthy.
This is Info-tech age, tonnes of information are thrown around us. We have to choose what to see, process, accept, reject or simply ignore out of it.
"What I will get" can't be applied in every action. There are several occasions we come across where we should not think in this term. Many relations are sustaining because there are people who don't keep account of "what I will get"
You may not agree with someone but the way you differ, makes lot of difference.
अपने भम, पाले हुए डर और मान्यताओं पर गौर करो। जिंदगी को कभी दूसरे नजरिये से भी देखना चाहिए। सिर्फ अपने ही दृष्टिकोण से देखने से जीवन में ठहराव आ जाता है।
धार्मिक और आध्यात्मिक दो शब्द ऐसे है जिनका अंतर जानना जरूरी है। यदि आप धार्मिक हो तो आपके लिए बहुत से नियम इस संसार में पूर्वनिर्धारित है परन्तु यदि आप आध्यात्मिक हो तो आपको नियम की जरूरत शायद ही पड़े।
If you feel you missed something in life than just drop that thinking. It's damn sure even if you had achieved that, your worries would have remained for some other thing. It's all very common..take it easy and enjoy what your present offers you.
..... Ashok Madrecha
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