Showing posts with label Featured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Featured. Show all posts

Oct 21, 2016

Journey Towards Innerself

My inner journey is taking me to places which are strange and totally unknown. There are challenges and manifestations. The path is sometimes cozy and difficult at other times.

Massive revelations, new horizons, and stellar black holes are being experienced as I advance and cross billions of galaxies. Everything is amazing and unique. My perceptions and beliefs which were drawn since many births are reshaping and leading to the complete overhaul.

The soul is really eternal and witnessing the body around it. I feel finding new definitions for everything I come across and the true calmness is apparent and sustained for longer periods. Since childhood, I heard many times that the sky is the limit, but now I can envision that sky may be only the beginning, real journey is far bigger, better and divine.

Observing and expressing in words all these simultaneously is a difficult task. The journey took me

Sep 18, 2016

Happening Quotient

Recently I was going through the trend of commonly asked questions raised by people in seminars on motivation, I clearly sensed that there is a common tendency of having lack of clarity about how to get things done faster and most of the questions were raised had same essence, though raised in different words and tones by different individuals.
Previous experience says that everything which happens always had its very own "happening quotient". Happening quotient is like feasibility apprehended in advance. In larger term it includes mapping of resources, approach, timing, location and anticipation of probable situations. We come across many people with repeated complaints about many things not happening as per their wishes. In the reply to them, some may talk about destiny and others will talk about blaming something and things goes on. 

Let us understand it more precisely, farmers sow seed and grow crops. It's not as easy as it is mentioned. The combination of timely seed sowing in fertile land with availability of adequate rain or water, sunlight, fertilizer and constant care all resulted in a good crop. What is important here is to understand in simple term that to get success or accomplishing something one has to understand its probability in context with other factors and resources and its availability in a given situation.

Jul 20, 2016

Start Living Life in Your Own Way

The great gap of our efforts and the yield creates a lot of dissatisfaction. Whenever I asked about life in my conferences, I noticed some common things prevailing such as lack of clarity, and everybody was more concerned about others. The funny part was that those who thought they are more committed to family, relatives, friends etc, they were more unhappy lot. In fact these people were in impression that they are doing a lot for family etc. but in turn they were emotionally bound and became more expecting from others but the Others were in comfortable zone and not thinking of the contribution made by their family members etc. One has to strike right kind of balance between self-development and helping others. 

We have to understand more about efforts, attachment and expectations. Being human, we take part in something, we stick to it without reason sometime, we start expecting returns, we behave like having sole onus of changing others. These are the set rules which govern our life. If we refresh our complete thought process and learn to accept changes and understand situations, joy of life will unleash forever. 

While taking more interest in others' life we completely forget about our own creativity. Everyone of us is unique and own some skill or art which is special but we hardly find enough time to nurture it as we are very busy studying others affairs. Living life in own way is awesome. When we shift our attention from others to ourselves we start knowing self and suddenly direction of life becomes reality. Some tips in nutshell:

6. If really decided, avoid procrastination and enjoy living life in your own way.

Jun 3, 2016

रूठे सनम से फरियाद (Complaining with an annoyed lover)

अरसे से बुला रहा हूँ तो जवाब भी नहीं देते
जरुरत चीज बड़ी, कहते है उड़ कर आ जाओ।

में गाफिल कहाँ था, वक़्त कमजोर था मेरा
जिसने सताया था, वो तो दोस्त था मेरा।

तेरी कतारों में कोई मेरा हमशक्ल रहा होगा
में तो दिल में था तेरे, कमबख्त खामोशियां पाले।

बोलते थे बहुत, कभी ध्यान नहीं गया
अब चुप क्या हुए, कयामत आ गयी।

सलीक़े से मेरी सब खबर रखते हो
अब क्या क़त्ल करने का इरादा है।

रूबरू होकर नजर भी नहीं मिलाते
लोग देखते है, चलो कुछ गुफ्तगू कर ले।

फासले जमीं के नहीँ थे
जहाँ थे तुम, हम भी तो वहीँ थे।

मेरी अक्स पे नजर डाले, गुजर जाते लोग
मील का पत्थर जो ठहरा तेरी राहों का।

पाक रिश्तों की पनाहों में कुछ गलतियां भी हुई होगी
वर्ना मोहब्बतें यूँ आसानी से बदनाम नहीं होती।

रूठे थे दिन में, रातों को मना लेते
इतने पत्थरदिल सनम हम नहीं थे।

अच्छा हुआ कि तन्हाइयों ने साथ निभाया
काश उनको आप सौतन तो मान लेते।

कम हो गया होगा नूर, ज़मीर तो जिन्दा है
चाहो तो बदस्तूर आजमा कर देख लो।

अल्फाझ तो मेरे हलक में अटके थे
लोग कहते रहे, पगला गया ये सख़्श।

गिले शिकवे तो अपने दरम्यां थे अशोक
नादान, नुरे इश्क का कसूर क्या था।

Apr 30, 2016

उम्मीदों का जहां

सन्नाटों में खुद के सायों से बाते करते हो
कहते कि अकेले नही, पर आहें भरते हो।
अरसा हो गया हमसे बात करके
अब ये मत कहना कि रोये नहीं जी भर के।
खुद को सजा देने की आदत तो पुरानी है
इश्क और इम्तहाँ की लंबी जो कहानी है।
कुछ बाँट लेते दर्द, ह्रदय तो हल्का हो जाता
गैर सही हम, अश्कों को अवकाश मिल जाता।
हर जगह सबको क़द्रदान कहाँ मिलते है
समय और संयोग से ही सुंदर फूल खिलते हैे।
पोंछ दो आँसू, उम्मीदों पर संसार चलता है
स्वीकार करो, आशाओं में प्यार पलता है।
कितनी देर हुई ये गिनती भी जरुरी नहीं
खुद को रोकना कोई मजबूरी नहीं।
कौनसे वक्त का इंतजार कर रहे हो
या किसी अनहोनी से डर रहे हो।
विश्वास करो, थाम लो मन की पतवार को
करीब है मंजिल, दस्तक तो दो द्वार को।

Apr 24, 2016

Start with vision

Life paves different ways to live. We constantly act and react, sometimes necessary and sometimes unnecessarily. It all depends on our thought process and the vision we develop over a long period. Vision once set in our mind affects our entire life. Recently somebody asked me, what is the best gift from parents to their children, I simply replied " If you can give them the vision of right kind, it will the best gift for them. 

Vision defines your goal, ambition, destination, lifestyle, relationship, wealth, luck, friends, networking, carrier, health, success, happiness and whatnot. We find people struggling for wealth, good perks, real brothers fighting for a piece of land, Industrialists fighting for corporate takeovers, Political leaders seeking votes with all unfair means, all these speak about their kind of vision they possess. You may notice, apparently looking powerful, they all are in a state of unsecured feeling and their vision is obstructed by their own thought process. A visionary person always believes in creating and adding value. He would not waste time in dividing people. 

You may find there are many people who are wealthy but happiness is with people with vision and positive mindset only. If our present is not as per our expectation who bars us to improve and evolve a broad vision which should attract good luck to us. Believe me, if you practice such kind of thinking with having a feeling of wellness for all, you will constantly attract far better time in your life. Yes, it's your turn now.

Jan 29, 2016

Stay Focused

While accomplishing a task or otherwise, always there is a possibility of losing our focus and indulging in unwarranted activities. We go for buying vegetables and we start discussing politics. Guests visit our home and instead of focusing on hospitality we suddenly start talking about religion which probably we don't follow in our routine. We attend so many meetings and at the end we feel outcome is far less as compared to our expectations. There are many such instances and the list goes on.

Constant self vigilance can be achieved by practice and that is the only way to see our thought process and control it to keep desired things in loop and focus. Many time we assemble to meet with preset agenda and by some influence or otherwise we leave track and see whole agenda itself is hijacked by others.

The simple reason for all this is having an ad hoc approach which makes us ineffective while dealing with different situations. Compare a text message with an other text message having some meaningful picture, I feel the other one would be far more effective. At the end of each day if we start counting that how many times we talked non sense and irrelevant things, we would start laughing at ourselves. It is bitter truth and we must accept it for striking right balance in life.

The severity of our unfocused approach is not immediately known. Ask a person about his feelings who missed choosing a right career at the start or anyone who missed on saving while he had very good earnings and they won't even be able to have proper words to express their repentance.

The moot point we should know is whatever we do, we don't have unlimited time so do the right things at right time with right and judicious use of resources available with us.

Oct 12, 2015

हकीकत (Truth)

हमें रोकने की हर कोशिश कर रहे वो
फूटे गुब्बारों में हवा भर रहे वो।
हर महफ़िल में उनके इंतजाम हो गए
हमारी बदनामी के किस्से आम हो गए।
कुछ मेरे अपने उनके साथ हो लिये
कुछ उनके अपने मेरे साथ हो लिए।
रास्तों में काँटे बिछाना उनका सुकून था
हमें भी मंजिल पाने का बड़ा जूनून था।
हर मुश्किल एक नया पाठ पढ़ाती थी
अनजानी सी प्रेरणा आगे बढाती थी।
उस यात्रा का हर मोड़ और पड़ाव याद है
वो रूकावटो के दौर भी बखूबी याद है।
कोई गिला शिकवा नहीं दौरे मोहब्बत में
सीखा समझा बहुत कुछ उनकी सोहबत में।
कद्र और कदरदान अब कहाँ नजर आते है
दो प्रेमी भी अब तो मिलने की रस्म निभाते है।
___ अशोक मादरेचा

Jun 22, 2015

Know Your True Potential

Knowing self is very important. True potential is seldom known. Typical apprehensions are common i.e. I can't do this, if I do I will fail, I am not the right person to pursue this and the list goes on. These apprehensions haunts us very badly. People around us make feel like this only as they carry such thoughts. Each person in this world is unique. There are huge possibilities if we really explore it by developing an unbiased thought process. Most of the time we don't know the level of skills, and abilities we own and remain deprived of the unbelievable benefits throughout our life. There are many examples. If we search history we find that how ordinary persons can convert themselves into outstanding achievers.

Actually we create our own boundaries and gradually get habitual of a set comfort zone which we don't wish to cross as if there is an ocean just besides it. We draw lines across our own path and most of the time these lines are results of fear and illusions which are totally nonexistent. Time provides nice opportunities but we feel like we don't deserve it and everything passes in front of our eyes. 

There are two type of personalities. First those who are self inspired and second, those who always need inspiration from outside. Those who fall in second type, should invariably strive to stay in company with people of positive mindset and read good books. One has to come out from negative thoughts and focus on " I can" and this will manifest their true potential. Many people I met during my motivational sessions and observed repeatedly that when they share their stories the most prominent fact comes on surface is that they didn't know themselves. They wait for some magical trigger which will change their life and all these thoughts makes them more vulnerable to inactions for a prolonged time.
Know well about your real limitations and simultaneously see to it that a little push in your efforts can make visible changes within you. I repeat, there is a huge potential, open doors and see "yes you can". It is true that entire world is not our own asset but there is something special in this world to own for everyone and that special space we have to find and know the true potential of ourselves.
Let's find it and make our life more balanced and meaningful.

CA Ashok Madrecha

May 31, 2015

Have Some Spiritual Touch

Life is not a destination, it is always a journey having different milestones for different people. While moving ahead everyone gets tired sooner or later. All are never satisfied with their pace or achievements but there is a great need of spiritual touch in everybody's life. 

One may ask what is this spiritual touch. Each one of us may follow any religion but spiritualism should essentially put us more in our very own soul. It should make us feel free from inner self. It enables us to communicate with our inner self. There are different way to get spiritual. One should have a divine touch of spiritualism on daily basis. We may find it by meditation or going to particular religious place for prayers, helping others and so on. Even looking peacefully at some clean and calm water in a lake or observing stars at midnight may make us feel spiritual. There are different ways but one should follow the real spiritual feeling . It gives us required pauses and recharge our inner system with positive energy.

Life finds its balance if there is some spiritual touch in it. If our energy gets scattered, It provides the requisite focus. It is not necessary that one should spend long hours to get spiritual. Even a daily 20 minutes time too can make a lot of difference. Practicing it regularly is essential. I followed it and suggested to many. The result was quite amazing. There were paradigm shift and people stopped complaining about availability of right resources and presence of wrong circumstances. Initially they all started with dual mind-set but those who were consistent, they are now clear about it and enjoying higher consciousness in their life. The spirituality is not the only means and the way, just to fulfill a wish.This is not a spirituality. It is something else and one should not get confused with it. If understood properly spirituality may change your life completely so let us have a spiritual touch.

Nov 22, 2014

उम्मीदों का आँगन

वक्त के भाल पर सिलवटें बढ़ने लगी
मंजिल साधने आरजु उमड़ने लगी।
जान लो कि में ना थका नहीँ हारा हूं
आज भी बदस्तुर सिर्फ तुम्हारा हूँ।
तपते रेगिस्तान में फुहार आई
आप क्या आये बहार आयी।
इंतजार तो बहुत हुआ पर गम नहीं
सामने हो आप ये कुछ कम नहीं।
वादा करो हर वक़्त रूबरू रहोगे
हमसे हर गिला शिकवा कहोगे।
रोशन हुआ जहां आपकी नजरो से
क्या खूब निकले हम सब खतरों से।
साकार करेंगे हर एक सपना
आबाद रहे ये सकून अपना।

- अशोक मादरेचा

प्रयास (Efforts)

जब सब कुछ रुका हुआ हो तुम पहल करना निसंकोच, प्रयास करके खुद को सफल करना। ये मोड़ जिंदगी में तुम्हें स्थापित करेंगे और, संभव है कि तुम देव तु...